After I finished my study Public Administration at Leiden University in May 2003, I served as a researcher to the Dutch parliamentary Inquiry Committee into immigrant integration. Observing diverging poliical and administrative logics on how to cope with societal challenges inspired me to embark on an academic career. I was, and I’m still today, intrigued by how societal actors, including ngos, business associations and research institutes, manage to get involved in public decision-making and how politicians and policy advisors cope with such influence pressures. My research neatly distinguishes and combines these two lines of interest: interest representation on the one hand and public governance and decision-making on the other.

I obtained my PhD from Leiden University and was affiliated with the Antwerp Centre for Institutions and Multi-Level Politics (ACIM) between 2008-2012. I was affiliated as assistant professor at the VU and Utrecht School of Governance before joining the Institute of Public Administration in 2016, where I now am professor of Public Governance and Civil Society. 

My contact details: 

Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University

Office:            Wijnhaven Campus, Turfmarkt 99, The Hague
E-mail:           C.H.J.M.Braun[at]fgga.leidenuniv.nl
Website:        My University Homepage can be found here.
Twitter:          @caelestabraun

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